Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thank YOU

"...May the LORD reward you for your kindness..."  Ruth 1:8

Please forgive me in taking a few days to get this post out.  I am overwhelmed and a little speechless at everything that has taken place the last month of this adoption journey.  I don't know where to begin, nor do I even have the first clue how to thank some people.  Some have given of their time and money in such a sacrificial way, that to just say "Thank You" feels as if I am cheapening what they've done. 

Your outward expression is a beautiful portrayal of what is on the inside.  And I have no right to "Thank You" for that.  What I can do and what your love and selflessness has made me do, is go straight to my knees weeping and praising and thanking the LORD for you!  For your beautiful heart! 

And what continues to get me, is not that you are giving from the overflow, but that you are giving in faith, from what your family lives on, praying that the LORD blesses and multiplies the money.  Friends who are neck high in their own adoptions or ministries gave.  Friends, whom the LORD blessed me with one week prior, offered support and prayers and encouragement like I've never seen.  Friends I have never met have offered incredible support and prayer through their own blogs. 
My Gateway family...oh see...I'm tearing up just thinking of what you've done.  You have been our prayer warriors and supporters from the very beginning!  Many of you being the very, very first people to know about this adoption as we sought your counsel and prayer.  I absolutely can not imagine walking this without you.  And I absolutely can NOT WAIT to introduce you to the beautiful little boy and girl you've been praying for!!

This entire journey, God has been refining me in the areas of unbelief, patience and humility, with the spirit of humility, by far, being the hardest.  Recently, God used my family to once again teach me how to accept gifts humbly.  If you don't know this already about me, I don't take help easily, especially from those I think I am suppose to help.  So the LORD used those exact people that I want to help, to help me.  It was hard for me to accept.  So much so that I tried to tell them that I just can't accept it. 
So to you (you know who you are), my words will never do justice to the sacrifice you gave.  You truly humbled me to a place of speechlessness.  I pray your legacy lives on in the hearts of my children for generations to come.

I know I am not doing justice in conveying my gratitude and appreciation, and I know that there are at least a hundred people that I need to thank by name, but please rest in knowing that I have thanked the LORD for you and I will continue to do so.  And for all of you, this is the story that reminds me of your love and sacrifice...
"Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and
watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury.
Many rich people threw in large amounts.
But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.
Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said,
“Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more in than all the others."
Mark 12:41-43

To ALL of you that lift up prayers of intercession on our behalf; to ALL of you that give selflessly and generously; to ALL of you that offer support and encouragement...

"May the the Lord bless you and keep you;
May the Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26

It's only through the way you allowed God to use you that we will be leaving in less than a week to bring our son and daughter home.!  Please continue your prayers as there is still warfare!!

I PROMISE to post pictures and details about the silent auction dinner and announce the winner of the diamond necklace in the next post!!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about this journey your family is on and I love how passionate you are about it and His people. You are awesome. Can't wait to "see" your kiddos home!
